Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Scientology is a Cult

This article settles it once and for all. Check out this journalist's tour of a Scientology facility:

"At each turn, though, there is a quote on the wall from church founder L.Ron Hubbard, a helpful set of framed posters describing the 'auditing' process, a loaded literature table or a benignly labeled door. And lightly as she describes them, each feels like a chute deep into the church, down which she would happily but firmly push us if we showed the slightest hint of interest.

. . .

First stop inside the door after pleasantries is a heavily retouched portrait of Hubbard gazing wistfully off to starboard, over an inspirational quote about artists and dreamers - (no, not the one where he is reported to have said, 'Writing science fiction for about a penny a word is no way to make a living, If you really want to make a million, the quickest way is to start your own religion.' - it's actually something rather lyrical about dreamers shaping society.)

Next is a peek at Hubbard's 'office:'

Every Scientology center has one, the guide tells us, decorated in a way he would have liked. It is, I suppose, like setting a place at Seder for the prophet - a quaint devotion - although the room is a fairly sterile wood-paneled affair that feels like a set-dresser's portfolio piece rather than a tribute to a valued founder. There is a wall of books on screened shelves, brass lamps, leather furniture and minimalist nautical decorations including the crisp model of a schooner.

On to the lobby, a sort of French-aristocratic sitting room with plenty of gilt, a white grand piano, a trompe l'oeil ceiling and a sludgy-looking impressionist bronze bust of Hubbard."

Worshiping L. Ron Hubbard is almost as insane as it is arbitrary. At least Jesus makes successful movies.

(from LAObserved)

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